Saturday, May 7, 2011

.sebab HARAM sambut hari ibu.

Salam..korg tau x psl ni?aku pn bru jek tau nih..LOL..sembil tul ^_^

nape sambut hri ibu dktakan haram??

ok read dis--

makna sebenar Hari Ibu/Mothers Day menurut encik wikipedia : " One school of thought claims this day emerged from a custom of mother worship in ancient Greece, which kept a festival to Cybele, a great mother of Greek gods. This festival was held around the Vernal Equinox around Asia Minor and eventually in Rome itself from the Ides of 15 March to 18 March. The ancient Romans also had another holiday, Matronalia, that was dedicated to Juno, though mothers were usually given gifts on this day. In some countries Mother's day began not as a celebration for individual mothers but rather for christians."

okeh! maksud kat cni hari jg slh satu pryaan yg dismbut oleh org kafir iaitu msyarkat cristian. Greek kuno mmgilnya sebagai hari cybele iaitu ibu kpd dewa2 mereka. dan Roman kuno plk meraikan hari matronalia sbgai tanda mperingati dewa juno iaitu mak kpd juventas, vulcan dn mars.

hah skrg dh fhm?? xfhm jugak meh ak ketuk2 pale tuh...*toink2*

meh baca lg--

Rasulullah SAW bersabda: " Sesiapa sahaja yang menyerupai ssuatu kaum itu, maka dia itu termasuk dlm golongan mereka."

krg mesti dh tau kn, dlm Islam kite dtuntut mghormati mak ayh kite stiap masa. bknnya terhad pada hari2 trtentu sahaja mcm hari ibu dn hari bapa.

so, selagi ade mak ayh hargai dorg slgi dorg masih ade. xde dorg xde lah readers2 sume..tol x?? sape stuju angkat kaki cepat! LOL sengal :p

buat mak & bak (gelaran tuk ayh aku) ,ank2 mu sentiasa mndoakn kalian.
moga kalian sihat2 hendakNya..Amin

p/s: bgitu hiba time wat en3 nih...bla ingt mak ayh msti ase syahdu..u ols jgn sia2kn mereka ek, dun noty2 tau :))


padlie said...

kena doa kat ibu sentiasa...
sy baru tau pasal ni

Entry terbaru padlie: Ada apa di IPT?

puan.mila said...

most welkem..skdar brkongsi ape y thu..:))

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